About Beth
Beth Dyer received her formal training at the Massage Institute of New England in Boston in 1995 and completed internships and trainings in Trigger Point, Lomi Lomi, Trager, Reiki and deep tissue. She spent nearly fifteen years building a successful practice in California, Hawaii and Massachusetts before coming to New Hampshire and, now Vermont to practice and offer her work in these unique and healing mountain environments.
If pain relief is your need, Beth has an intuitive perception of where pain lies and targets those areas for short term relief and resolution of chronic issues.
Relaxation is about unwinding the body, tuning into the body’s natural rhythms and honoring the whole person. Stillness is sacred in mind and body. Beth’s hands, forearms and elbows meld into the body to release tension, anxiety, time, thought and emotion.
Beth believes the power of healing does not come from her but rather from you and your connection to source. Whether she is a conduit, a mirror, a grounding force or a witness, the power emerges from the dance between client and practitioner, because where there is hope, equilibrium and intention, there is healing.
Whether you come for pain relief, relaxation or healing wounds or dis-ease, Beth believes we are more than our human condition – we are possibility, potential, light and love.